- and thenadv.于是,然后;进而;
- and now to be serious现在来谈正经的;言归正传;
- again and again<英>再三地, 反复地;连声;累次;三番两次;
- a hundred and oneadj.许多的;
- bright and early大清早;
- bow and scrapev.过于客气,打躬作揖;卑躬屈节;拜倒;奉承;
- beam and girder framing治梁梁格结构;
- cut to the chase<美俚>说话直接;
- cut short突然停止;(cut sb/sth short) 不听某人把话说完,打断某人/某事;截断;
- cut both waysv.对双方起作用,模棱两可;互有利弊;
- Conference of Heads of State and Government of East and Central African Countries东非和中非国家国家元首和政府首脑会议
- dog and pony show盛大表演;
- flotsam and jetsamn.失事船只残骸,流浪者,无价值物;
- twist and turn迂回曲折,蜿蜒; 坐立不安;
- hunger and poverty饥饿和贫困
- huff and puffn.怒气冲冲,发怒;气喘吁吁;上气不接下气;空发脾气;生气;
- hue and cry喧叫声; 责难声; 报警声; 抗议声;
- live and learn活到老学到老, 不经一事, 不长一智;
- land of milk and honeyn.肥沃而丰裕的土地,主的恩赐;安乐乡;
- pinch and scrapev.省吃俭用;
- 双语例句
The doctoring , a cut - and - paste job, showed up in many different analyses.
许多不同的分析表明, 这种篡改是运用了剪切与粘贴的手段.
Cut - and - paste tools include all lassos, marquees, clones, drags, and other repositioning tools.
剪切和粘贴工具包括所有的套索, 如选取框 、 克隆 、 拖动及其他重定位工具.
About Face 3交互设计精髓
You can use the Cut and Paste functions to do it.
We do cut and paste, but we don't use scissors or glue.
我们确实剪切和粘贴, 但不用剪刀和胶水.
A Copy command is functional in a text box, but Cut and Paste commands are not.
“复制”命令在文本框中仍然有效, 但“剪切”和“粘贴”命令都不起作用.
You can cut and paste the answers from thee - mail you received when your account was created.
When you have generated your CSR, cut and paste the content into the box below.
当您填写完您的csr之后, 剪下并邮寄到一下的邮箱中.
Contribute only original stuff. Links are fine, but don't cut - and - paste from copyrighted things.
只投稿原创的素材. 链接也不错, 但是不要拷贝粘贴有版权的东西.
These are case sensitive - we suggest that you cut and paste them to ensure exact transcription.
它们是有分大小阶的 - 我们提议你使用剪下及贴上的方法.
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